Friday, June 18, 2010

Boat Repairs

Turns out the boat has a problem, the wood inside the fiberglass shell of the transom is rotten. An internet search for transom repair turns up a solution. First, Daddy and his friend took the motor off. Next step, remove the rotten wood inside the transom skin. The tool of choice? A chainsaw.

A Girl and a Dog

Zip Line

S had her friends H and F over for a play date. They played dress up, library, and played on the zip line. They are a bit like three peas in a pod!

At the park

the little boys looked for caterpillars and H and her friend G made a clover chain.

Way of the Cross

Although we are not Catholic I can see why these stations of the Cross are a popular place for contemplative prayer. The boys, along with their Scout troop, participate in a spring clean up here but the girls and I had never seen it.

On our way to a homeschool park day

we stopped at the historical marker near the hospital. I have driven by it countless times and had never read it. New Ulm was one of the sites of conflict during the Dakota War of 1862 precipitated by broken treaties and near starvation conditions on the reservations that the Dakota were forced onto so whites could begin settlement of Minnesota. A very sad chapter in our state's history.

May's Full Moon is called the

Flower Moon.


"I fishin' Big Mom. I gonna catch a fish." I have photos(yes, photos in photo albums that I do not know how to scan) of the older boys doing the same thing. I've not yet been able to convince three- ish year old boys that there are no fish in the grass near my porch or swing set.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Storytime with Gramma

Thank you for coming to visit, Gramma and Grampa. We already miss you and look forward to your next visit!

Gramma and her Minnesota Grandchildren

minus C, again you'll have to be content with the candid shots!

Grampa and His Grandchildren, the Minnesota ones anyway!

C was not into posing for photos, you'll have to be content with the candid shots.


you guessed it, photos! Notice the bucket of water to put out the fire? We are nothing if not safety conscious. Both boys have their Fire 'Em Chip for Boy Scouts. Not to mention K taught Eagle Trail at camp last summer. Eagle Trail is when all the new scouts learn their scout, woods, swim and safety skills.

Next, Eating

Did you know s'mores can be made in the microwave? It is dangerous information to know. And of course, the ambiance is not the same. But, sometimes you just need a bit a gooey and chocolatey summer!

More Roasting

As is our tradition,

on Gramma and Grampa's last night with us we have a marshmallow roast. First, there is fire making, but I didn't photograph that. Then, there is roasting.

One of which,

was this great fishing pole!

Afterwards, we stopped at Dairy Queen for an dipped cone!

Yum, thanks Mom and Dad! Then the men went home and the ladies stopped at the Sleepy Eye thrift store where we found several must have items! H said that going to thrift stores was like a treasure hunt, you never know what you'll find!

and posed for photos!

played in the water and looked at boats,